Tentative Program

News: The slides of the keynote speakers are accessible.

Day 1, Monday
8:00 Breakfast (BEACON B)
8:30 Welcome (BEACON A)
9:00 Keynote by Jason Cong (BEACON A)
10:00 Coffee Break (BEACON ROTUNDA)
10:30 Session 1 -Architecture 1 (BEACON A) Chair: Darren J. Kerbyson
10:30 Parallel-DFTL: A Flash Translation Layer that Exploits Internal Parallelism in Solid State Drives (Best Paper Nominee) (pdf)
Wei Xie (Texas Tech University), Yong Chen (Texas Tech University) and Philip Roth (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
11:00 Reducing Read Latency in MLC Phase Change Memory (pdf)
Jianhui Yue (Miami Univeristy) and Yifeng Zhu (University of Maine)
11:30 Soft2LM: Application Guided Heterogeneous Memory Management (pdf)
Michael Giardino (Georgia Institute of Technology), Kshitij Doshi (Intel Corporation) and Bonnie Ferri (Georgia Institute of Technology)
12:00 Optimization of RAID Erasure Coding Algorithms for Intel Xeon Phi (pdf)
Aleksei Marov (Raidix) and Andrey Fedorov (Raidix)
12:30 Lunch (BEACON B)
14:00 Session 2 -Network 1 (BEACON A) Chair: Song Fu
14:00 Hybrid Replication: Optimizing Network Bandwidth and Primary Storage Performance for Remote Replication (pdf)
Assaf Natanzon (EMC), Philip Shilane (EMC), Mark Abashkin (EMC), Leehod Baruch (EMC) and Eitan Bachmat (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
14:30 Cooperative Bandwidth Sharing for 5G Heterogeneous Network Using Game Theory (pdf)
Shitong Yuan (University of Texas at Arlington) and Qilian Liang (University of Texas at Arlington)
14:50 Distributed Slot Scheduling Algorithm for Hybrid CSMA/TDMA MAC in Wireless Sensor Networks (pdf)
Manas Ranjan Lenka (KIIT University, Bhubaneswar), Amulya Ratna Swain (KIIT University, Bhubaneswar) and Manmath Narayanan Sahoo (NIT Rourkela)
15:10 The Impact of Link Adaptation on WiFi 802.11n (pdf)
Haiying Zhu (Communications Research Centre) and David Kidston (Communications Research Centre)
15:30 Coffee Break (BEACON ROTUNDA)
16:00 Session 3 -Storage 1 (BEACON A) Zizhong Chen
16:00 Active Burst-Buffer: In-Transit Processing Integrated into Hierarchical Storage (Best Paper Nominee) (pdf)
Chao Chen (Georgia Institute of Technology), Michael Lang (Los Alamos National Lab), Latchesar Ionkov (Los Alamos National Lab) and Yong Chen (Texas Tech University)
16:30 CircularCache: Scalable and Adaptive Cache Management for Massive Storage Systems (pdf)
Liqiong Liu, Xiaoyang Qu, Yubiao Zhang, Xiaodong Yi, Siwang Zeng, Jiguang Wan and Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
17:00 GASA: A New Page Replacement Algorithm for NAND Flash Memory (pdf)
Chu Li, Fang Wang, Yu Hua, Wen Xia and Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
17:30 SUORA: A Scalable and Uniform Data Distribution Algorithm for Heterogeneous Storage Systems (pdf)
Jiang Zhou (Texas Tech University), Wei Xie (Texas Tech University), Jason Noble (Nimboxx inc.), Mark Reyes (Texas Tech University) and Yong Chen (Texas Tech University)
18:00 Improving Read Performance of SSDs via Balanced Redirected Read (pdf)
Jie Liang, Yinlong Xu, Dongdong Sun and Si Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
18:20 End of Day 1
Day 2, Tuesday
8:00 Breakfast (BEACON B)
9:00 Keynote by Jack Dongarra (BEACON A)
10:00 Coffee Break (BEACON ROTUNDA)
10:30 Session 4 -Storage 2 (BEACON A) Chair: Xubin He
10:30 A Stripe-Oriented Write Performance Optimization for RAID-Structured Storage Systems (pdf)
Linjun Mei, Dan Feng, Lingfang Zeng, Jianxi Chen and Jingning Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
11:00 Efficient Parity Update for Scaling RAID-like Storage Systems (pdf)
Dongdong Sun, Yinlong Xu, Yongkun Li, Si Wu and Chengjin Tian (University of Science and Technology of China)
11:30 DVS: Dynamic Variable-width Striping RAID for Shingled Write Disks (pdf)
Dan Luo, Ting Yao, Xiaoyang Qu, Jiguang Wan and Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
12:00 PS-Code: A New Code For Improved Degraded Mode Read and Write Performance of RAID systems (pdf)
Bingzhe Li, Manas Minglani and David Lilja (University of Minnesota)
12:30 Lunch (BEACON B)
14:00 Session 5 -Architechture 2 (BEACON A) Chair: Nathan Tallent
14:00 Secured Low Power Overhead Compensator Look-Up-Table (LUT) Substitution Box (S-Box) Architecture (pdf)
Ali Akbar Pammu, Kwen-Siong Chong and Bah-Hwee Gwee (NTU EEE Singapore)
14:30 Profiling Energy Usage of Web-Service Applications on Clusters (pdf)
Yangyang Liu (Auburn University), Mohammed Alghamdi (Al-Baha University), Wei-Shinn Ku (Auburn University) and Xiao Qin (Auburn University)
14:50 Parallel Erasure Coding: Exploring Task Parallelism in Erasure Coding for Enhanced Bandwidth and Energy Efficiency (pdf)
Hsing-Bung Chen (Los Alamos National Lab) and Song Fu (Universiy of North Texas)
15:10 Apas:an Application Aware Hybrid Storage System combining SSDs and SWDs (pdf)
Wenguo Liu, Lingfang Zeng and Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
15:30 Coffee Break (BEACON ROTUNDA)
16:00 Session 6 -Network 2 (BEACON A) Chair: Weijun Xiao
16:00 LPSDN: Sink-Node Location Privacy in WSNs via SDN Approach (Best Paper Nominee) (pdf)
Yawar Bangash, Lingfang Zeng, Shijun Deng and Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
16:30 Quantum Entanglement Distribution for Secret Key Establishment in Metropolitan Optical Networks (pdf)
Muneer Alshowkan and Khaled Elleithy (University of Bridgeport)
17:00 Modeling the Impact of Silicon Photonics on Graph Analytics (pdf)
Nathan Tallent, Kevin Barker, Daniel Chavarría, Antonino Tumeo, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Andres Marquez, Darren Kerbyson and Adolfy Hoisie (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
17:30 Minimizing latency of critical traffic through SDN (pdf)
Joan Meseguer Llopis, Janusz Pieczerak and Tomasz Janaszka (Orange Polska)
17:50 Poster Session (BEACON A)
19:00 Dinner, Best Paper & Best Poster Awards (BEACON B)
Day 3, Wednesday
8:00 Breakfast (BEACON B)
9:00 Session 7 -Storage 3 (BEACON A) Chair: Song Jiang
9:00 A High-Performance Persistent Identification Concept (pdf)
Fatih Berber, Ph. Wieder and Ramin Yahyapour (GWDG - University of Gottingen)
9:30 Scalable Object Storage with Resource Reservations and Dynamic Load Balancing (pdf)
Alex Aizman and Caitlin Bestler (Nexenta Systems, Inc.)
10:00 SparkArray: An Array-based Scientific Data Management System Built on Apache Spark (pdf)
Wen Juan Wang (Institute of Computing Technology), Tao Ying Liu (Institute of Computing Technology), Di Xin Tang (Institute of Computing Technology), Hong Liu (Institute of Computing Technology), Wei Li (Institute of Computing Technology) and Rubao Lee (The Ohio State University)
10:30 Workload Shifting: Contention-Insular Disk Arrays for Big Data Systems (pdf)
Fengfeng Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
11:00 DS-Index: A Distributed Search Solution for Federated Cloud (pdf)
Yongqing Zhu, Quanqing Xu, Haixiang Shi and Juniarto Samsudin (Data Storage Institute, A*STAR, Singapore)
11:20 Closing Remarks