
Read the information below before you register for the conference.
The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage will be held during 06-07 August 2015 in Boston, MA, USA.

Important Dates:
June 22, 2015: Author registration deadline.
July 8, 2015: July 13, 2015: Early registration deadline.

Deadlines for authors and participants:

  • Conference authors are requested to register and pay their full fee before June 22, 2015. The conference authors are required to pay the full early registration fee (either IEEE Member or Non IEEE Member) even in case the author is a student. Papers cannot be published in the proceedings unless one of the authors has registered and the payment of the registration fee (with the additional page charges) has been received. IEEE Members should provide their IEEE Membership Number in the appropriate field in the registration form.

  • Participants to the conference are requested to register and pay their fee before July 8, 2015 July 13, 2015 to be eligible for the early registration fee and to indicate the number of additional persons participating in the different events (family or friends not registered for the conference presentations but attending the social events).

  • Note for authors: In case you are an author of more than one paper in the NAS conference (and you will be the person who presents the papers), you need to register only ONCE. Please indicate correctly which papers you are authoring in the remark field in the registration form. Anyhow, all additional pages have to be paid. Please indicate correctly, which papers you are authoring in the appropriate field in the registration form and correctly add up all the additional pages.

  • Invitation Letters for Visa: Invitation letters for Visa requests are provided after the successful completion of the registration process and the conference fee has been received. To request an invitation letter, tick the appropriate box during the registration process. For faster processing, please also send an email, with subject line "Visa for NAS2015", to Resit Sendag, the General Chair at Include your name, email address, mailing address, IEEE member number (if any), the ID of the paper you are presenting (if any) and a copy of your registration confirmation.

Please follow this link to register for the conference.

    The registration fee for NAS 2015 includes:

  • One copy of the conference proceedings (Digital)
  • Conference attendance
  • Conference attendance
  • Conference Dinner

Registration fees:

Early Registration Fees Late Registration/
OnSite Registration Fees
IEEE Member Fee 790 USD 900 USD
Non-IEEE member Fee 925 USD 1050 USD
Student IEEE Member Fee 525 USD 625 USD
Student non-IEEE member Fee 630 USD 720 USD
IEEE Life/Retired Member Fee 625 USD 625 USD

Additional fees:

  • Extra page: 100 USD per page (max 2 pages per paper)
  • Excursion: We plan a Boston Harbor cruise on Aug 7 in the evening at an additional cost of $100 if there is adequate number of participants. Register early and tick yes during registration.

All participants are encouraged to register as soon as possible to allow us better scheduling of social events.

Cancellations/Refunds are not allowed unless an event is cancelled by the conference. At least one author must register if their paper is accepted and must have someone attend the conference if that author cannot attend due to an unavoidable conflict.

On site registrations are available.

Questions: for any remaining question, please email us at Yan Sun

To book your hotel stay, please visit the NAS conference venue page. Conference rate cut-off date is July 6, 2015 July 13, 2015. Limited number of rooms is available. Book your room early.

Please follow this link to register for the conference.