
Hotel Name: Boston Park Plaza Hotel
  • You may use this link to reserve your room. If you would like to call in to make your reservation, call 1-800-225-2008 and mention the group name "The University of Rhode Island" to get the conference rate.

  • Conference rate cut-off date is July 6, 2015 July 13, 2015. There is limited availability. Reserve your room as soon as possible.
Address: 50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116, USA
Telephone: 1 800 225 2008
Fax: 617 426 5545

Directions to Hotel

From Logan Airport: Follow signs to Sumner Tunnel/Boston. Take the ramp onto RT-1A S/William F McClellan Hwy. Merge north onto Interstate 93 and take the Storrow Drive - Exit 26. Follow Storrow Drive and exit left at Back Bay/Copley Exit. At lights, take left onto Beacon St, and then take an immediate right onto Arlington St. The Boston Park Plaza Hotel is the 2nd building on the left after the park.