NAS 2015 Final Submission Instructions

  • The accepted submission format is PDF only. You must use the IEEE PDF eXpress utility to validate your paper's IEEE Xplore compability:
    • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at
    • Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information.
    • You will need the Conference ID, which is: 35305X

  • You must use IEEE templates for your submission. Please do not modify the templates. Additionally, you need to adhere to these formatting guidelines:
    • Only use the templates provided on that webpage (conference version)
    • Page size: US Letter
    • Graphs/tables should be readable when printed in black and white.

  • IMPORTANT note for LATEX users: The previous link provided had format problems in latex template. Please use this template instead.

  • Email the final IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF to me (Gus Uht, with subject line "NAS 2015 final paper submission" by June 29, 2015. Please name your paper using paper ID and last name of the first author, e.g., 58-Uht.

  • The page limit is 10 pages for full and 6 pages for short papers. Papers longer than page limits will be charged up to 2 pages extra for US$100 each page. For accepted posters, using the same formatting, authors may prepare 2-page extended abstracts to appear in the proceedings.

  • IEEE copyright form:
    • For full and short papers, copyright information will be emailed to the corresponding author directly from the IEEE. Please follow the instructions they provide. Note: If you have already sent us a copyright form, there is no need to send another; you will not receive anything from the IEEE.
    • For extended abstracts (posters), please email your signed copyright form (no later than June 29, 2015). Send it with your final extended abstract as a separate PDF attachment and change the subject line to "NAS 2015 final abstract and copyright submission". You can find the IEEE copyright form here:

  • For any questions, please contact me (Gus Uht, with subject line "NAS 2015 Question".