Tentative Program

Day 1, Aug 6th
7:30-8:45 Breakfast - Statler Room (Mezz.)
8:30-9:00 Welcome - Arlington / Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
9:00-10:00 Keynote by Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Arlington / Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break - Georgian Foyer (Mezz.)
10:30-12:15 Session 1A Distributed and Mobile Computing - Arlington (Mezz.)
Session 1B SSD and Low Power - Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
12:15-14:00 Lunch - Statler Room (Mezz.)
14:00-15:30 Session 2A Reliability and Efficiency of Storage - Arlington (Mezz.)
Session 2B The Role of Parallelism - Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break - Georgian Foyer (Mezz.)
16:00-18:00 Session 3A Network Routing and Architecture - Arlington (Mezz.)
Session 3B Data Duplication - Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
18:00-20:00 Dinner
Day 2, Aug 7th
7:30-9:00 Breakfast - Statler Room (Mezz.)
9:00-10:00 Keynote by David Brooks, Harvard University
- Arlington / Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break - Georgian Foyer (Mezz.)
10:30-12:10 Session 4A Big Data File Storage Systems - Arlington (Mezz.)
Session 4B Memory and I/O - Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
12:10-14:00 Lunch - Statler Room (Mezz.)
14:00-15:00 Session 5A Graph and Networking - Arlington (Mezz.)
Session 5B Flash Memory - Berkeley / Clarendon (Mezz.)
15:00-17:00 Poster Session & Closing Reception - Statler Room (Mezz.)

Program Details


Day 1, Aug 6th

8:30-09:00 Welcome Speech
9:00-10:00 Keynote speech, Creating a Software Ecosystem for Data Intensive Science
Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:15 Session 1A Distributed and Mobile Computing
FAST: A Fog Computing, Distributed Analytics-based Fall Monitoring System for Stroke Mitigation
Yu Cao (The University of Massachusetts Lowell), Songqing Chen (George Mason University), Peng Hou (The University of Massachusetts Lowell) and Donald Brown (The University of Massachusetts Lowell) Best Paper Candidate

Elicit: Efficiently Identify Computation-intensive Tasks in Mobile Applications for Offloading
Mohammed A. Hassan, Qi Wei and Songqing Chen (George Mason University)

SFMapReduce: An Optimized MapReduce Framework for Small Files
Fang Zhou, Hai Pham, Jianhui Yue, Hao Zou and Weikuan Yu (Auburn University)

Experimental Realization of a Persistent Identifier Infrastructure Stack for Named Data Networking
Oliver Schmitt (Gesellschaft fur wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Gottingen), Tim A. Majchrzak (University of Agder) and Sven Bingert (Gesellschaft fur wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Gottingen)

Adaptive Video Streaming Uploading with Moving Prediction in VANETs Scenarios
Xiaojin Zhu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Jingping Bi (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mingfu Li (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Huanyu Liu (Network Management Center, China Mobile Group)

Session 1B SSD and Low Power
A Regional Popularity-Aware Cache Replacement Algorithm to Improve the Performance and Lifetime of SSD-based Disk Cache
Feng Ye, Jianxi Chen, Xuejiao Fang, Jieqiong Li and Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

PASS: A Proactive and Adaptive SSD Buffer Scheme for Data-Intensive Workloads
Yang Hu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Hong Jiang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Hao Luo (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Lei Tian (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Best Paper Candidate

On the Cooling of Energy Efficient Storage
Jian Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Jun Wang (University of Central Florida), Fei Wu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) and Dezhi Han (Shanghai Maritime University)

An Empirical Study of Performance, Power Consumption, and Energy Cost of Erasure Code Computing for HPC Cloud Storage Systems
Hsing-bung Chen, Gary Grider, Jeff inman, Parks Fields, Jell Alan Kuehn (Los Alamos National Lab)
12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 2A Reliability and Efficiency of Storage
P3: Priority Based Proactive Prediction for Soon-to-fail Disks
Junjie Qian (University of Nebraska Lincoln), Stan Skelton (NetApp Inc.), Joseph Moore (NetApp Inc.) and Hong Jiang (University of Nebraska Lincoln)

Design Space Exploration for Efficient Computing in Solid State Drives with the Storage Processing Unit
Manas Minglani, Ashwin Nagarajan, Sneha Deshapande, Luke Everson and David J. Lilja (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)

intelliQoS: Rethinking Storage QoS Implementation for System Efficiency
Yuehai Xu, Marc Patton, Michael Devon Moore and Song Jiang (Wayne State University)

Introduction of Metadata-request Queue with Immediate Response for I/O Path Optimizations on iSCSI-based Storage Subsystem
Xuejiao Fang, Jianxi Chen, Feng Ye, Dan Feng and Jieqiong Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

A Novel Optimization Algorithm for Chien Search of BCH Codes in NAND Flash Memory Devices
Meng Zhang, Fei Wu, Changsheng Xie, You Zhou and Kai Zou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Session 2B The Role of Parallelism
Achieving up to Zero Communication Delay in BSP-based Graph Processing via Vertex Categorization
Xuhong Zhang (University of Central Florida), Ruijun Wang (University of Central Florida), Xunchao Chen (University of Central Florida), Jun Wang (University of Central Florida), Tyler Lukasiewicz (University of Central Florida) and Dezhi Han (Shanghai Maritime University) Best Paper Candidate

Efficient Parallel Packet Processing using a Shared Memory Many-core Processor with Hardware Support to Accelerate Communication
Farrukh Hijaz (University of Connecticut), Brian Kahne (Freescale Discovery Labs), Peter Wilson (Freescale Discovery Labs) and Omer Khan (University of Connecticut)

EOPC: A Parallel Coding Algorithm for XOR-Based RAID-6 Codes
Wenhui Zhang, Qiang Cao, Shiyi Li, Shishi Tan and Jie Yao(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

CPU-Assisted GPU Thread Pool Model for Dynamic Task Parallelism
Shuai Zhang, Tao Li, Qiankun Dong, Xuechen Liu and Yulu Yang (Nankai University)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Session 3A Network Routing and Architecture
Optrix: Energy Aware Cross Layer Routing Using Convex Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ali Shareef, Aliha Shareef and Yifeng Zhu (University of Maine)

Rollback Traffic Avoidance for Snapshot Routing Algorithm in Cyclic Mobile Networks
Zhu Tang, Wanrong Yu, Zhenqian Feng, Wei Han, Baokang Zhao and Chunqing Wu (National University of Defense Technology) - via Skype

MimiBS: Mimicking Base-Station to Provide Location Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yawar Bangash, Lingfang Zeng and Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

A Multi-domain and Multi-overlay Framework of P2P IMS Core Network based on Cloud Infrastructure
Feng Lu, Jiao Song, Xiao Lei, Hai Jin, Zaiyang Tang, Xiaofei Liao and Fei Qu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Virtual IP Layer: An Architecture for Virtually Extending IP Connectivity
Norihiro Ishikawa (Komazawa University)
Session 3B Data Duplication
How to Be Consistent with Persistent Memory? An Evaluation Approach
Chundong Wang, Qingsong Wei, Jun Yang, Cheng Chen and Mingdi Xue (Data Storage Institute) Best Paper Candidate

ProSy: A Similarity Based Inline Deduplication System For Primary Storage
Xin Du, Weizheng Hu, Qiang Wang and Fang Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Secure Replica Allocation in Cloud Storage Systems with Heterogeneous Vulnerabilities
Yun Tian (California State University, Fullerton), Xiao Qin (Auburn University) and Yafei Jia (IBM)

HEDup: Secure Deduplication with Homomorphic Encryption
Rodel Miguel (Data Storage Institute), Khin Mi Mi Aung (Data Storage Institute) and Mediana (Nanyang Technological University)

Hardware Accelerator for Similarity Based Data Dedupe
Dongyang Li (University of Rhode Island), Qingbo Wang (HGST), Cyril Guyot (HGST), Ashwin Narasimha (HGST), Dejan Vucinic (HGST), Zvonimir Bandic (HGST) and Qing Yang (University of Rhode Island)
18:00-20:00 Dinner

Day 2, Aug 7th

9:00-10:00 Keynote speech, Addressing the Computing Technology-Capability Gap: The Coming Golden Age of Design
David Brooks, Harvard University
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:10 Session 4A Big Data File Storage Systems
Cloud object storage based Continuous Data Protection(cCDP)
Nagapramod Mandagere (IBM), Ramani Routray (IBM), Yang Song (IBM) and David Du (University of Minnesota)

FINGER: A Novel Erasure Coding Scheme Using Fine Granularity Blocks to Improve Hadoop Write and Update Performance
Pradeep Subedi, Ping Huang, Benjamin Young and Xubin He (Virginia Commonwealth University)

A Virtual Shared Metadata Storage for HDFS
Jiang Zhou (Texas Tech University), Yong Chen (Texas Tech University), Xiaoyan Gu (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Weiping Wang (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Dan Meng (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Session 4B Memory and I/O
An I/O Scheduler for Dual-Partitioned Tapes
Lucas C. Villa Real (IBM), Michael Richmond (Infoblox), Brian Biskeborn (Google Inc.) and David Pease (IBM) - Moved from Session 4A

Direct Device-to-Device Transfer Protocol: A New Look at the Benefits of a Decentralized I/O Model
Steen Larsen (Intel), Ben Lee (Intel), Jin-Hyuk Yoon (Fusion Technology Center) and Jae-Yeun Yun (Fusion Technology Center)

Flexible Memory: A Novel Main Memory Architecture with Block-level Memory Compression
Yanan Cao (Iowa State University), Long Chen (Nvidia Corp.) and Zhao Zhang (Iowa State University)

Enhancing Branch Prediction using Software Evolution
Saikat Dutta (Jadavpur University), Moumita Das (Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology Kolkata) and Ansuman Banerjee (Indian Statistical Institute) - Canceled
12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session 5A Graph and Networking
A Time-Efficient Connected Densest Subgraph Discovery Algorithm for Big Data
Bo Wu and Haiying Shen (Clemson University)

Named Service Networking
Shuo Chen (Tsinghua University), Junwei Cao (Tsinghua University) and Lipeng Zhu (Smart Grid Institute of State Grid Corporation of China)

3D Model Retrieval Based on Skeleton
Shujin Lin, Yihui Guo, Yun Liang, Qiang Chen and Yanhua Wu (Sun Yat-sen University) - via Recording
Session 5B Flash Memory
Caching on Dual-mode Flash Memory
Sai Huang, Dan Feng, Jianxi Chen and Jingning Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Cost-effectively Improving Life Endurance of MLC NAND Flash SSDs via Hierarchical Data Redundancy and Heterogeneous Flash Memory
Shishi Tan, Ruirong Yu, Shenggang Wan and Qiang Cao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Poster Session & Closing Reception
15:00-17:00 Reevaluation of Programmed I/O with Write-Combining Buffers to Improve I/O Performance on Cluster Systems
Steen Larsen (Intel Corporation) and Ben Lee (Oregon State University)

HeteroSpark: A Heterogeneous CPU/GPU Spark Platform for Machine Learning Algorithms
Peilong Li, Yan Luo, Ning Zhang and Yu Cao (University of Massachusetts Lowell)

Transaction Local Aliasing in Storage Class Memory
Ellis Giles (Rice University), Kshitij Doshi (Intel Corporation) and Peter Varman (Rice University)

Integrated Resource Allocation in Shared Datacenters
Mohammad Shahriar Parvez Khan and Peter Varman (Rice University)

Reflex Tree - A New Computer and Communication Architecture for Future Smart Cities
Tao Wei (University of Rhode Island)

Parallel LDPC Decoding on a GPU using OpenCL and Global Memory for Accelerators
Jung-Hyun Hong and Ki-Seok Chung (Hanyang University)

Evaluation of a Hash-Compress-Encrypt Pipeline for Storage System Applications
Matthias Grawinkel, Michael Mardaus, Tim Suess and André Brinkmann (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz)

SBIOS: An SSD-Based Block I/O Scheduler with Improved System Performance
Jiayang Guo (University of Cincinnati), Yimin Hu (University of Cincinnati) and Bo Mao (Xiamen University)

Analysis of Various DRAM Devices from Power Consumption's Perspective
Dong-Ik Jeon, Min-Kyu Lee and Ki-Seok Chung (Hanyang University)

A Theoretical Analysis of Lifespan Impact on Flash Memory Imposed by Erasure Code
Enqiang Zhou, Yutong Lu, Nong Xiao, Yang Ou, Zhiguang Chen and Xianqiang Bao (National University of Defense Technology)

HIFFS: A Hybrid Index for Flash File System
Yang Ou, Xiaoquan Wu, Nong Xiao, Fang Liu and Wei Chen (National University of Defense Technology)