NAS 2007

2007 International Conference on
Networking, Architecture, and Storage

In co-operation with IEEE and IEEE Computer Society

July 29-31, 2007
Guilin, China

General Co-Chairs
Hong Jiang, U Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dan Feng, Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Co-Chairs
Yiming Hu, U Cincinnati, USA
Changsheng Xie,
Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Vice Chairs

Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Laurance T Yang, St. Francis Xavier U., Canada
Frank Zhigang Wang, Cranfield U, UK

Thomas Rauber, U. of Bayreuth, Germany
Zhiyong Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Peter J. Varman, Rice Univ, USA
Ben Kobler, NASA, USA

Local Arrangement Chair
Diqing Hu, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Registration and Fiance Co-Chairs
Yingwu Zhu, Seattle University, USA
Fang Wang, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Publication Chair
Yifeng Zhu, U. of Maine, USA

Publicity and Industry Relations
Jason Ding, Cisco Systems, USA


Conference Registration

General conditions:

  1. At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the full rate in order to be included in the proceedings (The IEEE rates DO NOT apply to authors.). The student discount cannot be applied to meet the registration requirement for accepted papers.
  2. Authors with multiple papers appearing in the proceedings must pay an additional publication fee ($350 per paper) for the second and subsequent papers. This fee covers the cost of including the additional papers in the proceedings.
  3. A registration for each accepted paper must be received by May 18, 2007. If the registration is not received by this date, the paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.
  4. Registrations fee for the author mentioned in Condition 1.
    • $450 (If not registered at this rate before May 18, paper will not be published in the proceeding.)
  5. Registrations fees for non-authors or the other authors mentioned in Condition 1.
    • Before June 7, 2007:
      • $350 (for IEEE members)
      • $450 (for non-IEEE members)
      • $150 (for students)
    • After June 7, 2007(or onsite):
      • $500 (for IEEE members)
      • $600 (for non-IEEE members)
      • $250 (for students)
  1. If you need an official invitation letter to be sent to you, please contact the program chair Dr. Yimin Hu ( You MUST register for the conference first before requesting for such a lettter.
  2. The Registration Form for authors:
    • For Authors in China (form)
    • For Attendees in China (form)
    • For Authors outside of China (form)
    • For Attendees outside of China (form)
  3. Frequently Asked Questions for Authors and Attendees in China (pdf, note this file is written in Chinese.)



For questions of the website and submission, please contact Yifeng Zhu