NAS 2007

2007 International Conference on
Networking, Architecture, and Storage

In co-operation with IEEE and IEEE Computer Society

July 29-31, 2007
Guilin, China

General Co-Chairs
Hong Jiang, U Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dan Feng, Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Co-Chairs
Yiming Hu, U Cincinnati, USA
Changsheng Xie,
Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Vice Chairs

Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Laurance T Yang, St. Francis Xavier U., Canada
Frank Zhigang Wang, Cranfield U, UK

Thomas Rauber, U. of Bayreuth, Germany
Zhiyong Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Peter J. Varman, Rice Univ, USA
Ben Kobler, NASA, USA

Local Arrangement Chair
Diqing Hu, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Registration and Fiance Co-Chairs
Yingwu Zhu, Seattle University, USA
Fang Wang, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Publication Chair
Yifeng Zhu, U. of Maine, USA

Publicity and Industry Relations
Jason Ding, Cisco Systems, USA


Two Day Tour in Guilin

You can find Chinese version here in pdf formats (schedule, introduction).

July 31

  • 8:00am, Leave from the conference hotel
  • 8:45-9:00am, Li River Cruise. We will leave from the Mopanshan Pier. After 35 minutes, the cruise ship will stop at the Guanyan Pier. The local ethnic minority people will welcome all tourists with singing and dancing in a festive mood. We will then have a tour of the Ganyan Cave.
  • 11:35am, Return to the cruise ship and continue the tour along Li River. Lunch will be served on the cruise ship.
  • 4:00pm, The cruise ship will stop at the Yangshuo Pier. Tourist trolley will take you to a hotel for a short rest before dinner.
  • 6:00pm, Dinner
  • 7:20pm, See a modern extravaganza “Impression of LIU SHANJIE”, staged on the Li River in the open.
  • 9:30pm, Bused back to the conference hotel
August 1
  • After breakfast, tour of the Gudong Waterfalls
  • At noon, lunch in Guixin Restaurant
  • In the afternoon, tour of the Elephant Trunk Hill, Wang Chen Jing Qu.
  • Dinner in the Fuxia Restaurant

Li River:Originaing in Cat Mountain in Xin'an county northeast of Guilin, the Li River winds its way southeast for about 437 km, passing through Guilin, Yangshuo, Pingle, Zhaoping and finally meets Xi River in Wulin. It boasts the largest and most beautiful scenic area in China and attracts thousands of visitors each year. The 83-km-long waterway from Guilin to Yangshuo is like an artists's masterpiece. The landscape is decorated with rolling hills, steep cliffs, fantastic caves, leisurely boats and is lined with bamboo. A poem says: "The river is a green silk ribbon, and the hills are jade hair-pins". Mostly the cruise starts from Zhujiang Wharf. It is about 40 minutes drive from Guilin city. and then 4 to 5 hours cruise will take you to a beautiful and sedate ancient city - Yangshuo. The Li River cruise is included in each of the following featured tour packages where you can choose the best one for you or simple let us design a trip for you.

Elephant Trunk Hill, also known as Elephant Hill is located at the confluence of Li River and Peach Blossom River in the southwest of Guilin city. It looks like a huge elephant stretching its trunk drinking water hence the name. Elephant Trunk Hill has been the symbol of the karst landscape in the area.

Water Moon Cave Between the elephant trunk and its body space a round cave which resembles a full moon drifting on the water, thus the name. When in a full moon night, the water waves and the moon glitters form a fantastic scene which has been highly honored by poets, painters over history. In and out of the cave are many carvings and inscriptions, the most well known of which is a poem by Lu You, one of the four great poets of the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279).The Crown Cave

For questions of the website and submission, please contact Yifeng Zhu