NAS 2007

2007 International Conference on
Networking, Architecture, and Storage

In co-operation with IEEE and IEEE Computer Society

July 29-31, 2007
Guilin, China

General Co-Chairs
Hong Jiang, U Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dan Feng, Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Co-Chairs
Yiming Hu, U Cincinnati, USA
Changsheng Xie,
Huazhong U Sci&Tech, China

Program Vice Chairs

Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Laurance T Yang, St. Francis Xavier U., Canada
Frank Zhigang Wang, Cranfield U, UK

Thomas Rauber, U. of Bayreuth, Germany
Zhiyong Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Peter J. Varman, Rice Univ, USA
Ben Kobler, NASA, USA

Local Arrangement Chair
Diqing Hu, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Registration and Fiance Co-Chairs
Yingwu Zhu, Seattle University, USA
Fang Wang, Huazhong U. of Sci & Tech. China

Publication Chair
Yifeng Zhu, U. of Maine, USA

Publicity and Industry Relations
Jason Ding, Cisco Systems, USA

You can find the advanced program in pdf format here ().
Day 1, Sunday (July 29th, 2007)
8:30 - 9:00am
Breakfast (All breakfasts and coffee breaks, the first day lunch, and the conference banquet are provided by the conference.)
9:00 -10:00am
Keynote speech:
Virtualization, Performance, and Energy Conservation in Storage Data Centers,
Peter Varman, Rice University
10:00 -10:30am
Coffee/Tea Break
10:30 - noon
Session 1A: Architecture, Chair: Dr. Qing Yang
  • Design of NIC Based on I/O Processor for Cluster Interconnect Network,
    Xiaojun Yang, Ninghui Sun, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Simplified Multi-Ported Cache in High Performance Processor,
    Hao Zhang, Dongrui Fan, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • The bi-panpath connectivity of the hypercube,
    Jywe-Fei Fang, Ko-Lin Lin Department of Digital Content and Technology, National Taichung University
  • The Implementation and Design of a Low-power Clock Distribution Microarchitecture, Rong Ji, Xianjun Zeng, Liang Chen, Junfeng Zhang, National University of Defense Technology
10:30 - noon
Session 1B: Networks I, Chair: Dr. Xubin He
  • More Efficient Mechanism of Topology-Aware Overlay Construction in Application-Layer Multicast,
    Jianqun Cui, Yanxiang He, Libing Wu, School of Computer, Wuhan University; Institute of Computer &Communication Technology, Huazhong Normal University
  • MLCC: A Multi Layered Correlative Control Mechanism for the VPN Topology,
    Kai Ouyang, School of Computer Science Wuhan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Xiaowen Chu, Department of Computer Science Hong Kong Baptist Univ.; Lijun Dong, School of Computer Science Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Hengqing Wang, School of Computer Science Wuhan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.; Ting Cai, School of Computer Science Wuhan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.
  • The Dynamic Endpoint-Based Access Control Model on VPN,
    Lijun Dong, Shengsheng Yu, College of Computer Science,Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan, Kai Ouyang,College of Computer Science,Wuhan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.
noon -2:30pm
Lunch and Industrial Panel/Presentations
2:30 - 4:00pm
Session 2A: Networks II, Chair: TBD
  • Routing Protocols Based on Double Auction for Ad Hoc Networks,
    Zhongsheng Wu, Zhide Chen, Li Xu, Fujian Normal University
  • A Novel Cooperative Caching Scheme for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: GroupCaching,
    Yi-Wei Ting , Yeim-Kuan Chang, National Cheng-Kung University
  • An Optimal MPLS-TE Solution to Route Selection and Redistribution on Congested Networks,
    Chengcheng Li, Peng Li, Tijjani Mohammed, East Carolina University
2:30 - 4:00pm
Session 2B: Network Security I, Chair: TBD
  • An Improved Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme,
    Jianhong Zhang, Wei Zou, North China Universtiy of Technology
  • PKI-Based Authentication Mechanisms in Grid Systems,
    Shushan Zhao, Akshai Aggarwal and Robert D. Kent, University of Windsor
  • Assessing the Attack Threat by the Probability of Following Attacks,
    Zhi-tang Li, Jie Lei, Li Wang, Dong Li, and Yang-ming Ma, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
4:00 - 4:30pm
Coffee/Tea Break
4:30 - 6:00pm
Session 3A: Network Security II, Chair: TBD
  • Mitigating Denial of Capability with An Notification Mechanism,
    Guang Jin, Jiangang Yang, Wei Wei and Yabo Dong, Zhejiang University
  • HKM:A Hybrid Key Management Scheme for Secure Mobile Multicast,
    Lin Lin and XueMin Li, Chongqing University
  • Discovering Novel Multistage Attack Patterns in Alert Streams,
    Ai-fang Zhang, Zhi-tang Li Dong Li and Li Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Safeguarding Against Sybil Attacks via Social Networks and Multipath Routing,
    Chittaranjan Hota, Janne Lindqvist, Kristiina Karvonen, Antti Ylä-Jääski, and Mohan C.K.J, Birla Institute of Technology & Science
4:30 - 6:00pm
Session 3B: Sensor Networks and Others, Chair: TBD
  • Mining Two Dimensional Attributes Patterns in Sensor Networks,
    Yuanguo Cheng, Guohui Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Navy Engineering University
  • An Active Region-based Storage Mechanism in Large Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Xiongzi Ge, Dan Feng, Lei Tian, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • A Novel Network Management Architecture for Self-organized Network,
    Li Jun, Zhang Shunyi, Zhang Zailong, Wang Pan, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication Zhejiang Wanli University
Conference Banquet
Keynote Speech:
Current Status of China’s Data Storage Research and Development
Changsheng Xie, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Day 2, Monday (July 30th, 2007)
8:30 - 9:00am
9:00 -10:00am
Keynote speech:
Exploring NoC Design Space for Multicore Architectures,
Chita Das, Penn State University
10:00 -10:30am
Coffee/Tea Break
10:30 - noon
Session 4A: Distributed Computing and Software Testing, Chair: Rich Sincovec
  • An Peer-To-Peer Traffic Identification Method Using Machine Learning,
    Hui Liu, Wenfeng Feng, Yongfeng Huang, Xing Li, Tsinghua University
  • GSM-R: A Hybrid Scheduling Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing in Hierarchical Cluster of Servers,
    Jincai Chen, Gongye Zhou, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • Priority Strategy of Software Fault Localization,
    SUN Ji-Rong,LI Zhi-Shu,NI Jian-Cheng,Sichuan University, YIN Feng, Southwest University for Nationalities, Sichuan University
10:30 - noon
Session 4B: Storage I, Chair: TBD
  • An Efficient SAN-Level Caching Method Based on Chunk-Aging,
    Yang Wang, Wei Xue, Yifeng Luo, Jiwu Shu, Tsinghua University
  • FTRAID: A Fat-tree Based Parallel Storage Architecture for Very Large Disk Array,
    Zhikun Wang, Ke Zhou, Dan Feng, Lingfang Zeng, Junping Liu, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • A new data format and error control scheme for Optical Storage Systems,
    Wei Hu, Diqing Hu, Changsheng Xie, Fan Chen, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • iSAN: Storage Area Network Management Modeling Simulation,
    Ramani Routray, Sandeep Gopisetty, Pallavi Galgali, Amit Modi, Shripad Nadgowda, IBM Research
noon -2:00pm
2:00 - 3:30pm
Session 5A: Storage II, Chair: TBD
  • Dynamics Process of Long-running Allocation/Collection in Linear Storage Space,
    Cao Qiang, Guo Tian-jie, Xie Chang-sheng, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • A New Method Pefetching I/O Requests Area,
    Li Huai Yang, Xie Chang Shen, Liu Yan, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • Performance Evaluation of A Load Self-Balancing Method for Heterogeneous Metadata Server Cluster Using Trace-Driven and Synthetic Workload Simulation,
    Bin Cai, Changsheng Xie, Guangxi Zhu, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • DiskGroup: Energy Efficient Disk Layout for RAID1 Systems,
    Lanyue Lu and Peter Varman, Rice University, Jun Wang, University of Central Florida
2:00 - 3:30pm
Session 5B: Short Papers I: Architecture and Storage, Chair: TBD
  • M2SI A improved Coherency Protocol in CMP,
    Pengyong Ma, National University of Defense Technology
  • An Adaptive Arbitration Algorithm for SoC Bus,
    Haishan Li, Ming Zhang, Wei Zheng, Dongxiao Li, Zhejiang University
  • The System Design and Performance Analysis of WiMAX Base Station MAC Based on Intel Network Processor,
    Ming Wu, Changsheng Xie, Fei Wu,Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Dynamic Power Management and Dynamic Voltage Scaling in Real-time CMP Systems,
    Lei Miao, Yong Qi, Di Hou,Xi’an Jiaotong University
  • Research and Implementation of RAID algorithm base on RAID controller,
    Jiang Guo-song, Xie Chang-sheng, Wang Bo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • B+ Tree Management Method of Object Attributes for Object-Based Storage,
    Gongye Zhou, Lanlan Yuan, Jincai Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3:30 - 4:00pm
Coffee/Tea Break
4:00 - 5:30pm
Session 6A: Short Papers II: Networks, Chair: TBD
  • An analytical model for evaluating utilization of TCP TAHOE using markovian model,
    Mehdi Hassani, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • A Sliding Window Based Security Event Correlation,
    Jiafu Hu, Information Engineering University, Yongliang Dong, Henan Normal Univeristy
  • Safety Critical Network Based on Fibre Channel,
    Yue Wang, WanDong Cai, Qi Duan, Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Distributed Fault Monitoring Scheme based on optical power for Optical Burst Switching Network,
    Ruyan Wang, Jiaofa Chang1, Keping Long, Xiaolong Yang, Special Research Centre for Optical Internet & Wireless Information Networks, Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • A scalable multicast key management to expel a malicious reciever in MARKS,
    Ma Xiaojing, Li Zhitang, Li Yao, Zhang Jiping, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
4:00 - 5:30pm
Session 6B: Short Papers III, StoragesChair: TBD
  • Evaluation of an iSCSI-Based Storage Virtualization,
    Guang Yang, Jingli Zhou, Chao Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • An Object-based Storage Controller Based on Switch Fabric,
    Shuibing He, Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Design and Implementation of an ERH-SCSI: A Reliable HyperSCSI Protocol for Networking Storage,
    Gongye Zhou, Peng Chen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • A New Method for RAID Consistency Initialization,
    Zhihu Tan Changsheng Xie Jiguang Wan,, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics
  • Implementation and performance evfficient Multi-version File System,
    XIANG Xiao-Jia, SHU Ji-Wu, XUE Wei, ZHENG Wei-Min,Tsinghua University


For questions of the website and submission, please contact Yifeng Zhu