Program Overview

Lobby Registration
  • 12:00~18:00, Tuesday, August 5th, 2014
Day 1, 2014-08-06, Wednesday
8:30-9:00 Welcome
9:00-10:00 Keynote by Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Industry Speeches
11:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:10 Session 1A & 1B (4 full papers each, 25-minute presentation)
Network Architecture
Storage System Design
15:10-15:40 Coffee/Tea Break
15:40-17:40 Session 2A & 2B (Short paper presentation)
18:00-20:00 Dinner sponsored by conference
Day 2, 2014-08-07, Thursday
9:00-10:00 Keynote by Prof. Ahmed Louri, University of Arizona
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:10 Session 3A & 3B (4 full papers each, 25-minute presentation)
Distributed and Arrayed Storage
Overlay and Ad Hoc Networks
12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Session 4A & 4B (3 full papers each, 25-minute presentation)
Cloud Computing
Chip Multiprocessing
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-17:00 Sessions 5A & 5B (3 and 2 full papers, respective, 25 minute)
Architectural Simulation, Modeling and Management
Internet Infrastructure and Service
17:30-20:30 Banquet and Award
20:30-22:00 Excursion
Day 3, 2014-08-08, Friday
9:00-12:00 Visiting NSCC-TJ
12:00-14:00 Lunch

Program Detail

Day 1, 2014-08-06, Wednesday

8:30-09:00 Welcome Speech
9:00-10:00 Keynote speech, Scalable computing for HPC
Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT  
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Industry Speeches
11:30-13:30 Lunch
Session 1 (2 concurrent sessions, 4 papers each, 25 minutes each paper)
Session Chair 1A: Qiang Cao (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Session Chair 1B: Hong Jiang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
13:30-15:10 Network Architecture 1. Analysis of the Energy Efficiency and Packet Error Rate in Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks
Manar Al-Kali, Li Yu, and Ali A. Mohammed (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

2. SFTB: Scheduling Flows to Quickly Fit Burst in Data Center Networks
Gang Deng, Zhenghu Gong, and Hong Wang (National National University of Defense Technology)

3. Provide IPv4 service using pure IPv6 server with stateless NAT64 translator
Rong Jin, Congxiao Bao, and Xing Li (Tsinghua University)

4. A Mathematical Model of Three-Dimensional Optical Interconnection Network
Chao Peng, Jia Lu, Lewen Zhou, Chen Qin, Longfei Guo and Wenhua Dou (National University of Defense Technology)
Storage System Design 1. RAFlow: Read Ahead Accelerated I/O Flow through Multiple Virtual Layers
Zhaoning Zhang, Kui Wu, Huiba Li, Jinghua Feng, Yuxing Peng, and Xicheng Lu (National University of Defense Technology, China; University of Victoria, B.C., Canada; National Super Computing Center in Tianjin, China)

2. Fema: A Fairness and Efficiency Caching Management algorithm in Shared Cache
Yong Li, Dan Feng, Lingfang Zeng, and Zhan Shi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan National Lab for Optoelectronics)

3. sJournal: A New Design of Journaling for File Systems to Provide Crash Consistency (Best Paper Award)
Jie Chen, Zhihu Tan, and Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics)

4. DCS5: Diagonal Coding Scheme for Enhancing the Endurance of SSD-based RAID-5 Systems
Yubiao Pan, Yongkun Li, Yinlong Xu, and Weitao Zhang (University of Science & Technology of China).
15:10-15:40 Coffee Break
Session 2 (Short Papers)
Session Chair 2A: Dan Feng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Session Chair 2B: Jie Chen (Jefferson Lab)
15:40-17:40 Storage & Networking 1. Establishing a PKI in an Open Adversarial Environment
Jiangyi Hu and Mike Burmester (DeVry University; Florida State University)

2. Forum-oriented Research on Water army Detection for Bursty topics
Huijie Xu, Wandong Cai, and Guirong Chen (Northwestern Polytechnical University)

3. An Enhanced Kad Protocol Resistant to Eclipse Attacks
Qiang Li, Jie Yu, and Zhoujun Li (Beihang University; National University of Defense Technology)

4. SDVC:A Scalable Deduplication Cluster for Virtual Machine Images in Cloud
Lin Chuan, Cao Qiang, Zhang Hongliang, Huang Guoqiang and Xie Changsheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Wuhan National Lab for Optoelectronics)

5. MMD: An Approach to Improve Reading Performance in Deduplication Systems
Chao Li, Shupeng Wang, Xiaochun Yun, Xiaoyang Zhou and Guangjun Wu (Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Information Engineering/Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Computer network Emergency Response technical Team/Coordination Center)

6. Virtual Machine Migration across L3 Network
Zhangfeng Hu, Shanzhi Chen, Bo Hu, Jing Jin, Junyu Lai, and Yong Jiang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; China Academy of Telecommunication and Technology; NEC Labs China; Tsinghua University)

7. Design and Implementation of a Virtualized Storage Fabric for Cloud Server
Hua Nie, Xue Zhou, Yalu Ni, Xiaojun Yang, and Keping Long (University of Science and Technology Beijing; Dawning Information Industry Co., Ltd.)

8. Design and Implementation of GeoFS: a Wide-area File System
Guo-Liang Liu, Liuying Ma, Pengfei Yan, Shuai Zhang and Liu Liu (Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Storage 1. Efficient GCD Computation for Big Integers on Xeon Phi Coprocessor
Jie Chen, William Watson, and Mayee Chen (Jefferson Lab, USA; Jamestown High School, Williamsburg, VA, USA)

2. Optimal Task Scheduling In MapReduce
Changjian Wang, Yuxing Peng, Junyi Liu, Mingxing Tang, Guangming Liu, and Jinghua Feng (National University of Defense Technology, China; National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, China)

3. A mapping method for application customized reconfigurable pipeline
Guanwu Wang and Sikun Li (National University of Defense Technology, China)

4. Symbolic Execution of Network Software Based on Unit Testing
Zhou Lin, Gan Shuitao, and Qin Xiaojun (Jiang Nan Computer Technique Institute)

5. Balanced P-Code: A RAID-6 Code to Support Highly Balanced I/Os for Disk Arrays
Ping Xie, Jianzhong Huang, Cao Qiang, and Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Qinghai Normal University)

6. Design and Evaluation for a Multi-Cloud Based Storage System with Privacy Preserving
Yijie Fan, Zhen Qiao, and Mingzhong Xiao (Beijing Normal University)

7. Optimizing Memory Access with Fast Address Computation on a MIPS Architecture
Qi Ao, Guojie Jin, Songsong Cai, and Shuai Chen (Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Loongson Corporation)
18:00-20:00 Dinner sponsoered by NAS'14

Day 2, 2014-08-07, Thursday

Keynote Speech
9:00-10:00 Keynote speech, Title TBD
Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT  
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Session 3 (2 concurrent sessions, 4 papers each, 25 minutes each paper)
Session Chair 3A: Qiang Cao (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology)
Session Chair 3B: Jizhong Han (Chinese Adacademy of Science)
10:30-12:10 Distributed and Arrayed Storage 1. Reliability Analysis on Shifted and Random Declustering Block Layouts in Scale-out Storage Architectures
Jun Wang, Ruijun Wang, Jianglin Yin, Huijun Zhu (University of Central Florida)

2. MCRTREE: A Mutually Cooperative Recovery Scheme for Multiple Losses in Distributed Storage Systems Based on Tree Structure
Xiaoqiang Pei, Yijie Wang, Xingkong Ma, Yongquan Fu, and Fangliang Xu (National University of Defense Technology, China)

3. LaRS: A Load-aware Recovery Scheme for Heterogeneous Erasure-Coded Storage Clusters
Haibing Luo, Jianzhong Huang, Qiang Cao, and Changsheng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

4. LoneStar Stack: Architecture of a Disk-Based Archival System
Matthias Grawinkel, Gregor Best, Malte Splietker and André Brinkmann. (Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz; University of Paderborn)
Overlay and Ad Hoc Networks 1. Longest Prefix Lookup in Named Data Networking: How Fast Can It Be?
Fu Li, Fuyu Chen, Jianming Wu, and Haiyong Xie (Liangziyun; Brocade; Facebook; Tsinghua University)

2. DR-SNBot: A Social Network-based Botnet with strong Destroy-Resistance
Tao Yin, Yongzheng Zhang, and Shuhao Li (Institute of Information Engineering/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Information Engineering/Chinese Academy of Sciences)

3. An Improved Distance Based Scheme for Broadcast Storm Suppression in VANETs
Pei-Hsuan Lee, and Tsung-Chuan Huang (National Sun Yat-sen University)
12:10-14:00 Lunch
Session 4 (2 concurrent sessions, 3 papers each, 25 minutes each paper)
Session Chair 4A: Ziliang Zong (Texas Station University)
Session Chair 4B: Weihua Zhang (Fudan University)
14:00-15:15 Cloud Computing 1. Performance Characterization of Hadoop and DataMPI Based on Amdahl's Second Law
Fan Liang, Chen Feng, Xiaoyi Lu, and Zhiwei Xu (Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; The Ohio State University)

2. Clique Migration: Affinity Grouping of Virtual Machines for Inter-Cloud Live Migration (Best Student Paper Award)
Tao Lu, Morgan Stuart, Kun Tang, and Xubin He. (Virginia Commonwealth University)

3. Energy Efficient Mobile Cloud Computing and Its Applications
Qiang Fu, Weiwen Zhang, and Baihua Wang (Inspur Group Co. Ltd.; Nanyang Technological University)
Chip Multiprocessing 1. Performance and Energy Modeling for Cooperative Hybrid Computing
Rong Ge, Xizhou Feng, Martin Burtscher, and Ziliang Zong (Marquette University; Texas State University)

2. iCHAT: Inter-Cache Hardware-Assistant Data Transfer for Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors (Best Paper Award)
Junli Gu, Bradford Beckmann, Ting Cao, and Yu Hu (AMD Research; Australian National University; Chinese Academy of Sciences)

3. A Floorplan Optimized for Concurrent Multiple Applications on Network-on-Chip
Chao Lu, Shaoli Liu, and Longbing Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture/Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Loongson Technology Corporation Limited)
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
Session 5 (3 and 2 full papers, respective, 25 minute)
Session Chair 5A : Zhao Zhang (Iowa State University)
Session Chair 5B : Xubin He (Virginia Commonwealth University)
15:45-17:00 Architectural Simulation, Modeling and Management 1. RPSim: a Rapid Prototyping Full-system Simulator for SoC Software Development
Haojun Wang, Qinghao Min, and Weihua Zhang (Fudan University)

2. Access-Aware Memory Thermal Management
Suyu Zhang and Zhichun Zhu (University of Illinois at Chicago)

3. An Availability Approached Task Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Fault-Tolerant System
Jian Sun, Xiaoshe Dong, and Xingjun Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
Internet Infrastructure and Service 1. A Moving Target Framework to Improve Network Service Accessibility
Jinqiao Shi, Xiao Wang, Binxing Fang, and Li Guo (Institute of Information Engineering/Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute of Computing Technology/Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Engineering Laboratory for Information Security Technologies, China)

2. Variable Hierarchy Based Location Management for Future Internet
Zhangfeng Hu, Shanzhi Chen, Bo Hu, Jing Jin, Junyu Lai, and Yong Jiang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; China Academy of Telecommunication and Technology; NEC Labs China; Tsinghua University)
17:30-20:30 Banquet and Award
20:30-22:00 Excursion