The 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2014) will be held from August 6 − 8, 2014 in Tianjin, China. It will serve as an international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. NAS 2014 will expose participants to the most recent developments in the interdisciplinary areas.

NAS has been successfully held in Xi'an in 2013 (NAS'13), Xiamen in 2012 (NAS'12), Dalian in 2011(NAS'11), Macau in 2010(NAS'10), Zhang Jia Jie in 2009 (NAS'09), Chongqing in 2008 (NAS'08), Guilin in 2007 (NAS'07), and Shenyang in 2006 (NAS'06).

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The conference program is revised (paper presentations are not affected).
A tentative conference program is posted.
Camera-ready submission deadline extended to June 16.

- Submission Deadline: April 4th, 2014 (extended and final)

- Notification of acceptance: May 19th, 2014

- Camera-ready Paper: June 16th, 2014 (extended)

- Conference: August 6-8, 2014