Your registration will allow you to attend all conference technical sessions, keynote sessions, the reception, and the banquet. Coffee breaks also are included. With each registration you will receive an electronic copy of the conference proceedings.
  • At least one author of each accepted paper (full or short paper) must register at the full rate (US$475 for IEEE members, US$590 for non-IEEE members).
  • Student rates (Student member and student non-member) are ONLY applicable to student participants (who do not register for accepted papers).
  • Authors with multiple papers appearing in the proceedings must pay an additional publication fee of US$275 or RMB 1800 per paper for the second and subsequent papers.
  • Paper registration must be made before: 15 May 2012(inclusive).
  • All registration fees can be made either in USD or in Chinese Yuan (RMB).
  • Each registration can only cover one paper.

Xiamen is a very famous tourist destination and summer resort, so the hotel room is very tight and price is high at summer. So we suggest the registers could send back the hotel booking sheet together with your Registering Form before 1 June. More details could be found at

Registration Fees
Registration Category
On/Before 15 May
After 15 May/Onsite
IEEE Member
US$475 or RMB 3100
US$575 or RMB 3750
Non-IEEE Member
US$590 or RMB 3850
US$690 or RMB 4500
Student US$200 or RMB 1300 US$200 or RMB 1300
Registration Forms

Option 1: Payment by Credit Card (Only US Dollar is accepted)

  • Please fill out the registration form
  • We strongly suggest you fax the form to the following address rather than send it by email.

    Suzhen Wu
    Computer Science Department
    Xiamen University
    Email: nas2012 AT

Option 2: Payment by telegraphic transfer (T/T) for None-Chinese Participants (Only US Dollar is accepted)

Option 3: Payment by telegraphic transfer (T/T) for Chinese Participants (Only RMB is accepted)

If you have any questions regarding the registration, please contact:

Yunqi Lei
Email:yqlei AT
Phone: +86(592)2580057

Suzhen Wu
Email:suzhen AT