Preliminary Program Overview

August 15, Thursday
10:00 - 19:00 Registration
August 16, Friday
08:00 - 19:30 Registration
08:30 - 09:00 Opening Remarks and Best Paper Announcement
09:00 - 09:50 Keynote Address - André Brinkmann (Memory and performance optimized prefix tries) (Chair: Dan Feng)
09:50 - 10:40 Keynote Address - Yiran Chen (Developing Processing-In-Memory (PIM) Solutions for Artificial Intelligence Applications)
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:50 Keynote Address - Huamin Chen (Kubernetes for Collaborations) (Chair: Hong Jiang)
11:50 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:45 Session: System Scheduling (Session Chair: Mingzhe Zhang)
  Latency Fairness Scheduling for Shared Storage Systems
Yuhan Peng, Qingyue Liu and Peter Varman
  Contention Aware Workload and Resource Co-Scheduling on Power-Bounded Systems
Pengfei Zou, Xizhou Feng and Rong Ge
  Learning Workflow Scheduling on Multi-Resource Clusters
Yang Hu, Cees De Laat and Zhiming Zhao
14:45 - 15:05 Coffee Break
15:05 - 16:20 Session: Memory Systems (Session Chair: Ke Zhou)
  Thermo-GC: Reducing Write Amplification by Tagging Migrated Pages during Garbage Collection
Jing Yang and Shuyi Pei
  HCMA: Supporting High Concurrency of Memory Accesses with Scratchpad Memory in FPGAs
Yangyang Zhao, Wei Li, Yuhang Liu and Mingyu Chen
  Optimizing Tail Latency of LDPC based Flash Memory Storage Systems Via Smart Refresh
Yina Lv, Liang Shi, Qiao Li, Congming Gao, Chun Jason Xue and Edwin Sha
16:20 - 16:40 Coffee Break
16:40 - 17:30 Session: Concurrency (Session Chair: Yulai Xie)
  DV-NVLLC: Guaranteeing crash consistency in persistent memory via dynamic versioning
Kai Tang, Wei Tong and Jun Ma
  An Adaptive SSD Cache Architecture Simultaneously Using Multiple Caches
Nikolaus Jeremic, Helge Parzyjegla and Gero Mühl
18:30 - 20:30 Banquet
August 17, Saturday
08:00 - 17:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:50 Keynote Address - Haibo Chen (Building Low-latency and Scalable Computing Systems Using Non-volatile Memory) (Chair: Changsheng Xie)
09:50 - 10:40 Keynote Address - Yunji Chen (Deep Learning Processor)
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:15 Session: High Performance (Session Chair: Hang Lu)
  Ares: A Scalable High-Performance Passive Measurement Tool Using a Multicore System
Xiaoban Wu, Yan Luo, Jeronimo Bezerra and Liang-Min Wang
  Exploring Transfer Learning to Reduce Training Overhead of HPC Data in Machine Learning
Tong Liu, Shakeel Alibhai, Jinzhen Wang, Qing Liu, Xubin He and Chentao Wu
  LT-TCO: A TCO Calculation Model of Data Centers for Long-Term Data Preservation
Wenrui Yan, Qiang Cao and Jie Yao
12:15 - 13:45 Lunch Break
13:45 - 15:00 Session: Deduplication and Data Reduction (Session Chair: Yan Luo)
  Load-aware Elastic Data Reduction and Re-computation for Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Mengxiao Wang, Huizhang Luo, Qing Liu and Hong Jiang
  Leveraging Array Mapped Tries in KSM for Lightweight Memory Deduplication
Lingjing You, Yongkun Li, Fan Guo, Yinlong Xu, Jinzhong Chen and Liu Yuan
  Towards Cluster-wide Deduplication Bases on Ceph
Jinpeng Wang, Yang Wang, Hekang Wang, Kejiang Ye, Chengzhong Xu, Shuibing He and Lingfang Zeng
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:30 Session: Services and Security (Session Chair: Yang Wang)
  HCMonitor: An Accurate Measurement System for High Concurrent Network Services
Hui Song, Ke Liu, Yifan Shen, Wenli Zhang and Mingyu Chen
  CCPNC:A Cooperative Caching Strategy Based on Content Popularity and Node Centrality
Yunming Mo, Jinxing Bao, Shaobing Wang, Yaxiong Ma, Han Liang, Jiabao Huang, Ping Lu and Jincai Chen
  Per-File Secure Deletion for Flash-Based Solid State Drives
Tianran Xiao, Wei Tong, Xia Lei and Jingning Liu
16:30 Closing Remarks