NAS 2019 Final Submission Instructions

  • The accepted submission format is PDF only. You must use the IEEE PDF eXpress utility to validate your paper:
    • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at
    • Click on the link "Create/access your IEEE Conference eXpress author account" and fill in your information.
    • You will need the Conference ID, which is: 47183X
    • Add the copyright notice to your paper before creating PDFs.
    • Please submit your camera-ready submission no later than July 6, 2019.

  • You must use IEEE templates for your submission. Please do not modify the templates. Additionally, you need to adhere to these formatting guidelines:
    • Only use the templates provided on that webpage (conference version)
    • Page size: US Letter
    • Graphs/tables should be readable when printed in black and white.

  • The page limit is 8 pages. Papers longer than page limits will be charged up to 2 pages extra for US$100 each page.

  • Copyright Information:
    • The appropriate copyright clearance code notice is to appear on the bottom of the first page of each paper according to the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging/Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding. Detailed instructions can be found at:
      For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:
      U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
      For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
      978-1-7281-4409-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 Crown
      For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
      978-1-7281-4409-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 European Union
      For all other papers the copyright notice is:
      978-1-7281-4409-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

  • Camera-ready copies may be submitted through EasyChair

  • If have any problems, please contact with our publication chairs.