JULY 15-17
Macau, Macau SAR, China

NAS 2010 Author Resources

The following instructions will help you prepare your paper in accordance with IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) requirements, so that you will be ready to upload a CPS compatible PDF and submit your e-copyright form. The IEEE CPS requirements for PDFs will be enforced. All conference articles must adhere to the IEEE CPS PDF specification for compatibility.

The camera ready deadline for main conference is May 10th, 2010.

The following steps must be taken to properly submit your paper to NAS 2010:

  1. Create your manuscript in IEEE Computer Society's Two-Column format. The format differs from the submission format. New templates for both Latex and Word can be obtained here:

    LaTex Package (ZIP)

    Word Template

    The formating instructions are also available as pdf file.
  2. Check the number of pages to meet the limits:

    For full papers: 10 pages

    For short papers: 6 pages
  3. Proofread and check the layout of the manuscript.
  4. Submit your paper via the IEEE Conference Publishing Services. All relevant information is available on the CPS site. Please notice that you have to submit the paper and the corresponding copyright information until May 10th.
Some important issues: