Preliminary Program Overview

Oct. 3, 2022, Monday

7:30 – 4:00 PM Registration Desk
7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00 Opening
9:00 – 10:00 Keynote 1(Prof. Wei Zhao)
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:15 Industry Talks(2)
11:15 – 12:15 Panel (Why do we do research on Cyber Security?)
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:00 Session 1: Architecture Session 2: Storage
3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 – 5:30 Session 3: Network Session 4: Architecture
5:30 – 6:00 Social
6:00 – 9:00 Banquet

Oct. 4, 2022, Tuesday

7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 – 9:30 Keynote 2(Prof. Ling Liu)
9:30 – 9:45 Coffee Break
9:45 – 11:15 Session 5: Architecture Session 6: Storage
11:15 – 12:45 Session 7: Network Session 8: Storage
12:45 – 2:00 Closing Remarks and Lunch
6:00 – 8:00 Dinner

Preliminary Program

Oct. 3, 2022, Monday
7:30 — 16:00
Registration desk
07:30 — 8:30
08:30 — 9:00
Opening Remarks
09:00 — 10:00
Keynote 1
Future of Computing
Wei Zhao, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Session Chair: Jie Wu
10:00 — 10:15
Coffee Break
10:15 — 11:15
Industry Session
Session Chair: Jie Wu

Case Studies of ICT Platform Research and Technology Planning(10:15)
Jian Li, Futurewei Technologies

Rendering Architectures for Augmented and Virtual Reality(10:45)
Abhinav Golas and Nilanjan Goswami, Reality Labs, Inc.

11:15 — 12:15
Panel (Why do we do research in cyber security?)
Moderator: Qing Yang, Univ. of Rhode Island
12:15 — 13:30
13:30 — 15:00
Session 1: Architecture
Chair: Yu Wang

On Fair Scheduling of Heterogeneous Workloads(13:30)
Ellis Giles and Peter Varman

Hardware-Efficient Template-Based Deep CNNs Accelerator Design(13:50)
Azzam Alhussain and Mingjie Lin

Approximate Network-on-Chips with Application to Image Classification(14:10)
Yuechen Chen, Ahmed Louri, Shanshan Liu and Fabrizio Lombardi

Measuring Bias and Fairness in Multiclass Classification (14:30)
Cody Blakeney, Gentry Atkinson, Nathaniel Huish, Vangelis Metsis, Yan Yan and Ziliang Zong

ProSwap: Period-aware Proactive Swapping to Maximize Embedded Application Performance(14:45)
Dongjoo Seo, Biswadip Maity, Ping-Xiang Chen, Dukyoung Yun, Bryan Donyanavard and Nikil Dutt
Session 2: Storage
Chair: Ming Zhao

Steganography with FileSystem-in-SlackSpace(13:30)
Avinash Srinivasan and Brenton Pieper

Machine Learning-based Adaptive Migration Algorithm for Hybrid Storage Systems(13:50)
Milan Shetti, Bingzhe Li and David H.C. Du

FAB Storage for the Hybrid Cloud(14:10)
Raju Rangaswami
Cost-Age-Time Data Organized Garbage collection (14:30)
Dongjun Lee, Youngbin Jin, Han Jang and Ben Lee

RT-FEND: Spark-Based Real Time FakE News Detection(14:45)
Chaowei Zhang, Ashish Gupta, Hui Sun, Yun Li and Xiao Qin
15:00 — 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 — 17:30
Session 3: Network
Chair: Feng Li

Participant Selection for Hierarchical Federated Learning in Edge Clouds(15:30)
Xinliang Wei, Jiyao Liu, Xinghua Shi and Yu Wang

BYOZ: Protecting BYOD Through Zero Trust Network Security(15:50)
John Anderson, Qiqing Huang, Long Cheng and Hongxin Hu

A Distributed Architecture for Cooperative Deep Learning System in Intelligent Vehicle Systems(16:10)
Yucong Xiao, Fei Qin, Xian Sun and Yunsheng Wang
TCP Davis: A Low Latency First Congestion Control Algorithm(16:30)
Taran Flynn and Dipak Ghosal

Weakly Supervised Learning for Network Traffic Classification(16:50)
Onur Barut, Tong Zhang and Peilong Li

Session 4: Architecture
Chair: Jun Wang

Accelerating the Energy Efficient Design of Traditional Data Centers Through Modeling(15:30)
Tathagata Bhattacharya, Xiaopu Peng, Taha Takreeti, Jianzhou Mao, Ting Cao, Mostafa Rahgouy and Xiao Qin

A Novel Interconnection Architecture for Secured Die-to-Die Communication in System-in-Package(15:50)
Zhenyu Xu, Tao Wei and Qing Yang
In-Sensor Neural Network Preprocessing for ADAS Computer Systems(16:10)
Erkan Karakus, Mark Bruckner,Tao Wei and Qing Yang

NISQ-Friendly Non-Linear Activation Functions for Quantum Neural Networks(16:30)
Sohrab Sajadimanesh, Jean Paul Latyr Faye and Ehsan Atoofian

Statistical Performance Analysis in a GPU(16:50)
Dionisis Salonikidis and Dimitris Manolakis

17:30 — 18:00
18:00 — 21:00
Banquet (Estia, 1405 Locust St.)
Oct. 4, 2022, Tuesday
07:30 — 8:30
08:30 — 9:30
Keynote 2
From Edge Video Analytics to Federated Learning
Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Session Chair: Jun Wang
9:30 — 11:00
Session 5: Architecture
Chair: Avinash Srinivasan

Energy-efficient Management of Data Centers using a Renewable-aware Scheduler (9:30)
Xiaopu Peng, Tathagata Bhattacharya, Jianzhou Mao, Ting Cao, Chao Jiang and Xiao Qin

Irrelevant Data Traffic in Modern Processor Architectures(9:50)
Sushant Kondguli, Anshujit Sharma and Michael Huang

Increasing Robustness against Adversarial Attacks through Ensemble of Approximate Multipliers(10:10)
Ehsan Atoofian

Improving the Energy Efficiency of Real-time DNN Object Detection via Compression, Transfer Learning, and Scale Prediction(10:30)
Biswas Debojyoti, M M Mahabubur Rahman, Ziliang Zong and Jelena Tesic
Session 6: Storage
Chair: Raju Rangaswami

On the Reproducibility of Bugs in File-System Aware Storage Applications(9:30)
Duo Zhang, Tabassum Mahmud, Om Rameshwar Gatla, Runzhou Han, Yong Chen and Mai Zheng

Performance Evaluation on CXL-enabled Hybrid Memory Pool(9:50)
Qirui Yang, Runyu Jin, Devasena Inupakutika, Bridget Davis and Ming Zhao

ReCA-FTL: Resource Contention Aware Flash Translation Layer(10:10)
Youngbin Jin, Dongjun Lee, Han Jang and Ben Lee

SCAIL: Encrypted Deduplication with Segment Chunks and Index Locality(10:30)
Jaybe Ammons, Trevor Fenner and David Weston
11:00 — 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 — 12:45
Session 7: Network
Chair: Peilong Li

Distributed Swift and Stealthy Backdoor Attack on Federated Learning(11:15)
Agnideven Palanisamy Sundar, Feng Li, Xukai Zou and Tianchong Gao

Design of A Live Networking Device Update For Cloud Computing System(11:35)
Liang-Min Wang, Cunming Liang, Xiuchun Lu, Chenbo Xia, John Morgan, Wayne Willey, Miao Li and Timothy Miskell

Transformations as Denoising: A Robust Approach to Weaken Adversarial Facial Images(11:55)
Pu Tian, Turhan Kimbrough, Weixian Liao, Erik Blasch and Wei Yu

ForkMV: Mean-and-Variance Estimation of Fork-Join Queuing Networks for Datacenter Applications(12:15 )
Prathyusha Enganti, Todd Rosenkrantz, Lin Sun, Zhijun Wang, Hao Che and Hong Jiang
Session 8: Storage
Chair: Hong Jiang

SIST: A Similarity Index for Storage Traffic (11:15)
Lu Pang and Krishna Kant

WAFLASH: Taming Unaligned Writes in Solid-State Disks(11:35)
Shuibing He, Matthew Myers, Xuehao Duan, Keegan Sanchez and Xuechen Zhang

LC-CB: Low Computational Victim Selection Policy in Garbage Collection(11:55)
Jongwoo Han, Haejoo Jeon, Dongmin Shin and Chang-Gun Lee

Quantifying Performance Gains of GPUDirect Storage(12:15)
Devasena Inupakutika, Bridget Davis, Qirui Yang, Daniel Kim and David Akopian

HBtree: A Heterogeneous B+tree with Multi-granularity for Hybrid NVM-SSD Storage(12:30)
Yekang Zhan, Haichuan Hu and Qiang Cao

12:45 — 2:00
Closing Remarks and Lunch
18:00 — 20:00
Dinner(Tai Lake, 134 N. 10th St.)