Student Travel Assistance Grants

With generous support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), NAS 2021 will offer travel grants for students to defray a portion of their travel cost. The size and number of these grants will vary depending on funding availability, the number of student applicants, and their respective priority. Grant awards will be made before the early registration deadline; expenses will be reimbursed after the conference; grant recipients will be asked to submit original receipts to verify their expenditures.

    Information about student travel grants
  • - The travel grant is sponsored by National Science Foundation.
  • - Grantees of the NSF travel grant must be enrolled in U.S. schools and should fly with U.S-based carriers for airfare reimbursement.
  • - Awards will be need based.
  • - Awardees will be required to email the travel grant chair a short essay describing their NAS experience.
  • - Recipients do not need to be authors/presenters to qualify for a travel grant.
  • - Student Travel Grant Application Deadline: Sept. 30, 2021
  • - Please save all the original receipts. You need to mail them or present them at the conference later.
    How to apply for student travel grant
  • - Student applicants should use this online form to apply for an NAS student travel grant.
  • - Student applicants also need to ask their thesis advisor to send an e-mail to the Student Travel Award Chair ( with the subject line "NAS Student Travel Status Confirmation for <Your First Name, Your Last Name>", stating that you are a full-time student pursuing an MS/Ph.D. or an undergraduate researcher in the areas covered by NAS. The advisor is also welcome to comment on the potential broader impact of making an award to you, e.g., if you belong to an underrepresented group, or if the candidate is unable to attend without a substantial travel grant.
  • - The confirmation email from advisors must be received by the same deadline. Your application is considered incomplete without it.