Accepted Papers

  1. Fang Dabin, Li Huikai, Han Jun and Zeng Xiaoyang.
    State-Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan University, China
    Robustness Analysis of mesh-based Network-on-Chip architecture under flooding-based Denial of Service attacks
  2. Lei Cao and Xiaofeng Qiu.
    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
    Defence Against Botnets: A Formal Definition and a General Framework
  3. Zhu Meiqi, Xiaomeng Huang, Songbin Liu, Haohuan Fu, Qiming Fang and Guangwen Yang.
    Tsinghua University, China
    Optimize Multidimensional Arrays Queries with Heterogeneous Replica Method
  4. Jun He.
    Shanghai Hi-Performance IC Design Centre, China
    Design of a Quadruple Precision Floating-Point Fused Multiply-Add Unit Based on 4-Way SIMD Device
  5. Yuhui Deng, Liangshan Song, and Xinyu Huang.
    Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
    Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Evaluating memory compression and deduplication
  6. Ji Li, Zheng Wan, Zhonghua Li and Naixue Xiong.
    Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, China
    A Specific Scheme for Rate-controlled Smooth Scheduling Based on Timeslot-iteration
  7. Xia Zhang, Jinyu Zhan, Wei Jiang and Yue Ma.
    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
    A vulnerability optimization method for security-critical real-time systems
  8. Lunkai Zhang, Mingzhe Zhang, Lingjun Fan, Da Wang and Paolo Ienne.
    Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    College of Computer Science, Inner Mongolia University, China
    E′cole Polytechnique Fe′de′rale de Lausanne, Switzerland

    Spontaneous Reload Cache — Mimicking a Larger Cache with Minimal Hardware Requirement
  9. Xiao Zhang, Jian-Jun Lu and Xiao Qin.
    Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
    Auburn University, USA

    BFEPM:Best Fit Energy Prediction Modeling Based on CPU Utilization
  10. Kalyana Sundaram Venkataraman, Wenzhe Zhao, Hongbin Sun, Nanning Zheng and Tong Zhang.
    Department of ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, USA
    School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

    Scheduling Algorithms for Handling Updates in Shingled Magnetic Recording
  11. Lingxi Meng and Guang Sun.
    Changchun University of Technology, China
    An Improved Ant Colony Clustering Method for Network Intrusion Detection
  12. Jürgen Kaiser, Dirk Meister, Viktor Gottfried and Andre Brinkmann.
    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
    University of Paderborn, Germany

    MCD: Overcoming the Data Download Bottleneck in Data Centers
  13. Lei Xie, Kuizhi Mei and Yuhai Li.
    Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics , Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    REPAIR : A Reliable Partial-Redundancy-Based Router in NoC
  14. Hongwei Liu, Bo Sang, Jing Huang, Ji Qiu and Xiang Gao.
    Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Loongson Corporation, China
    Purdue University, USA

    A HW/SW Co-design of Execution Migration for Shared-ISA Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors
  15. Sinong Wang, Huaxi Gu and Gang Wu.
    Xidian University, China
    A New Approach to Multi-objective Virtual Machine Placement in Virtualized Data Center
  16. Yunfang Tai, Wanwei Cai, Qi Liu, Ge Zhang and Wenzhi Wang.
    A Pre-Buffer Mechanism in Multi-channel
    Comparisons of memory virtualization solutions for architectures with software-managed TLBs
  17. Pan Wang, Hao Huang and Changsheng Xie.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    A Pre-Buffer Mechanism in Multi-channel P2P Live Streaming
  18. Zhengwei Zhao, Zhixiong Jiang, Chunyang Lu, Yushan Cai and Jingping Bi.
    Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Information Technology Center, China National Petroleum Corporation, China

    A Congestion Control Algorithm for Datacenters
  19. Lin Han, Hao Huang and Chang Sheng Xie.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    Performance Analysis of NAND Flash Based Cache for Network Storage System
  20. Yanmin Shang, Peng Zhang, Yanan Cao and Li Guo.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    A New Interest-sensitive and Network-sensitive Method for User Recommendation
  21. Lifeng Liu, Meilin Liu and Chong-Jun Wang.
    Wright State University, USA
    Nanjing University, China

    An Optimized GP-GPU Warp Scheduling Algorithm for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
  22. Yulin Li, Shouyi Yin, Leibo Liu, Dong Wang and Shaojun Wei.
    Tsinghua University, China
    Beijing Jiaotong University, China

    Battery-Aware MAC Analytical Modeling for Extending Lifetime of Low Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Network
  23. Tiejun Li, Jianmin Zhang and Sikun Li.
    National University of Defense Technology, China
    An FPGA-based Random Functional Verification Method for Cache
  24. Xunfei Jiang, Ji Zhang, Xiao Qin, Mohammed I. Alghamdi, Minghua Jiang and Jifu Zhang.
    Auburn University, USA
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Wuhan Textile University, China
    Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, China

    PEAM: Predictive Energy-Aware Management for Storage Systems
  25. Haitao Zhang, Xing Li and Congxiao Bao.
    Tsinghua University, China
    An Evolvable Locator/ID Separation Internet Architecture (ELISIA)
  26. Jing Yang and Qing Yang.
    University of Rhode Island, USA
    A New Metadata Update Method for Fast Recovery of SSD Cache
  27. Wei Wang and Haining Luo.
    Key Laboratory on Information Security, Engineering University of CAPF, Xi'an, China
    Peking University, Beijing, China
    Computer Management Center of the Armed Police General Hospital, Beijing, China

    Mining User Interests in Web Logs of an Online News Service Based on Memory Model
  28. Rashid Hassani and Amirreza Fazely.
    University of Rostock, Germany
    Analysis of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Iterative Method in CUDA
  29. Qinghua Wu, Leibo Liu, Shouyi Yin and Yu Ren.
    Tsinghua University, China
    SPC: An Approach to Guarantee Performance in Cost Oriented Mapping Algorithm for NoC Architectures
  30. Li Yue, Dongliang Xie and Jiatong Zhao.
    Beijing University of Posts &Telecommunications, China
    China Institute of Electronic System Engineering, China

    E-HiLow: Extended Hierarchical Routing Protocol in 6LoWPAN Wireless Sensor Network
  31. Peipeng Liu, Jinqiao Shi, Lihong Wang, Xiao Wang and Qingfeng Tan.
    Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    National Engineering Laboratory for Information Security Technologies, China

    IX-Level Adversaries on Entry- and Exit- Transmission Paths in Tor Network
  32. Ping Huang, Guang Ping Wan, Ke Zhou and Miaoqing Huang.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    University of Arkansas, USA

    Improve Effective Capacity and Lifetime of Solid State Drives
  33. Wang Denghui and Huang Hao.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    University of Arkansas, USA

    A Novel Web Service Composition Recommendation Approach Based on Reliable QoS
  34. Chen Yue, Li Chaoling and Huang Kaixiang.
    State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou, China
    One Wide-Sense Circuit Tree Per Traffic Class based Inter-Domain Multicast
  35. Maotian Zhang, Lei Zhang, Panlong Yang and Yubo Yan.
    PLA University of Science and Technology, China
    McDisc: A Reliable Neighbor Discovery Protocol in Low Duty Cycle and Multi-channel Wireless Networks
  36. Ping Ren.
    China Ship Development and Design Center, China
    Multiple Channel Assignment and Recovery Algorithm for MR-MC Network
  37. Xiaohui Zhao, Tong Wu, Dengkun Xiao and Xinlong Luo.
    School of Science, BUPT, China
    Huawei Technologies Co.LTd., China

    The Prediction Mathematical Model for HO Performance in LTE Networks
  38. Bo Bai, Jihong Zhao and Hua Qu.
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

    A Mechanism of Maintaining the Survivability of Streaming Media Service in Overlay Networks
  39. Zhiyang Guo and Yuanyuan Yang.
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

    High-Speed Multicast Scheduling for All-Optical Packet Switches
  40. Xiaofu Meng, Xiang Gao, Qian Yu, Shuangshuang Zhang, Xiaochun Zhang, and Jing Huang.
    Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Loongson Technology Corporation Limited, China

    Luminance and Chrominance Parallelization of H.264/AVC Decoding on a Multi-core Processor
  41. Yuxing Wu, Xingjun Zhang, Song Cen and Xiaoshe Dong.
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    A Novel Method for Computing Encoding Delay and Bandwidth on Network Coding Node
  42. Ittipong Khemapech, Ishbel Duncan and Alan Miller.
    University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
    University of St Andrews, UK

    An Energy Aware Protocol for Cyclic Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks
  43. Fengli Zhang and Dan Wang.
    University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
    An Effective Feature Selection Approach for Network Intrusion Detection
  44. Longjiang Guo, Shufang Du, Yu Liu, Jing Selena He, Meirui Ren and Keqin Li.
    Heilongjiang University, China
    Key Laboratory of Database and Parallel Computing, China
    Kennesaw State University, USA
    State University of New York, USA

    Parallel Algorithm for Approximate String Matching with k Differences on CUDA
  45. Hao Zheng, Xiaoshe Dong, Endong Wang, Baoke Chen, Nan Wu and Xingjun Zhang.
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    State Key Laboratory of High-end Server & Storage Technology, China

    Chariot: A High Compatible Architecture to Improve Virtual Machine Reliability
  46. Chih-Min Yu and Yih-Bin Yu.
    Chung-Hua University
    A Variant-Hop Algorithm in Forming Bluetooth Sensor Networks
  47. Ding Shuyan, Shu Ruo, Li Shibao, and Gu Zhaozhi.
    China University of Petroleum, China
    An Optimization Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System Based on Tabu Search
  48. Xu Zhou, Qiang Cao, Changesheng Xie and Xubin He.
    Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
    Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

    D-PALD: A Dynamic Power-Aware Load Dispatcher with Response Time Percentile Guarantee in Heterogeneous Clusters
  49. Yuan Tian, Scott Klasky, Weikuan Yu, Bin Wang, Hasan Abbasi, Norbert Podhorszki and Ray Grout.
    University of Tennessee, USA
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
    Auburn University, USA
    National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA

    DynaM: Dynamic Multiresolution Data Representation for Large-Scale Scientific Analysis
  50. Zhi Wen
    Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, China
    Research on English Learning Strategy Usage in Web-based and Conventional Environments
  51. Wenchao Jiang, Zhiming Zhao, Adianto Wibisono, Paola Grosso, and Cees de Laat
    Guangdong University of Technology, China
    Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Dynamic workflow planning on programmable infrastructure
Acceptance Rate